The number of celebrities you can collaborate with on the initiative is largely determined by your budget. It also affects the size of the influencer and how many posts they'll make.
Now, not all types of posts are the same. Just putting up a single picture is way easier than making a whole carousel of them. Doing a Reel is even more complex with its specific settings, storytelling, music, editing, and catching the audience's attention within the first few seconds. So, naturally, videos usually cost more, unless they're just simple unboxing clips.
Spending varies across brands based on factors such as the style of social marketing and the amount of advocates. But interestingly, most brands, about
67%, spend less than $50K.
Whether your budget is $5K, $50K, or even $500K, we've got some insights to help you plan so you can make the most out of your money. We want to ensure you're not hit with any unexpected costs, so we've outlined all the factors you need to think about when sorting out your influencer marketing budget to show your CFO.